SearchBooster affiliate program

Earn with us

Our partners are WebDev studios and freelancers who create online stores.
We can team up to discuss the future service development, justify its necessity to the client, and earn money.

Your bonus for bringing us a client consists of two parts:

  1. single-time payment in the amount of the fare rate for the first month of use;
  2. 10% from each client’s payment, starting from the second month (paid on the 7th month of cooperation and once every 6 months from there).

A client chose a monthly rate of RUB 20,000 and paid for three months in advance.
You’ll earn RUB 20,000 for the first month of our cooperation with the client. Starting from the second month, you will accrue RUB 2,000 monthly.

Procedure for joining the affiliate program:

  1. Filling out the Partner form
  2. A employee contacts the Partner and reviews the list of potential clients. If the list contains clients we are already talking to or those who have already started projects with us, then these domains will not be added to the affiliate program.
  3. The Partner then transfers the contacts of the remaining potential clients to the sales manager or connects them on their own.
  4. If a client is successfully added to the system and payment is received, the Partner is paid in accordance with the agreed scheme.

The ways of transferring the bonus to you are described below.

Interaction with legal entities goes strictly via electronic document flow.

If you do not have a legal entity, then we can transfer the remuneration to an individual.

The transfer is done over the Solar Staff system.
The commission for Solar Staff services and VAT will be deducted from the final amount.
  1. You connect customers to SearchBooster directly, customers pay from their legal entities or individuals
  2. You get a percentage of the turnover of connected clients for each month of their work
  3. Payment is made under the contract.
  4. It is mandatory to provide certificates from the Partner based on the results of the premium payment.
  1. You connect clients on behalf of your studio, payment goes through it
  2. The subscription fee is charged with a discount of 10%
  3. All clients are in the same account
  4. Customers see statistics in their personal accounts without access to the balance and the amount of the subscription fee

Become our partner today!

Send us your contacts so that our managers can contact you and help connect your client.

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