About Us | SearchBooster



Back in early 2020, we conducted a study that showed the existing demand for a smart search solution for online stores.
The main impetus for this development was the booming growth of marketplaces, whose customers got accustomed to constant interacting with search. Today, about a quarter of online store customers use search, and their share is growing.
By the end of 2020, the MVP was ready, and the first module for integration with 1C-Bitrix was released.
In early 2021, a convenient module for working with statistics and voice search were added to the service. We also began serving customers from outside the Russian Federation.
Read more on the History page.

Our mission

SearchBooster.io’s mission is to improve the user experience when using online stores by making searching for products more convenient, as well as improving quality and speed. This entails significant consumer time saving.

Key benefits


Here are the most important advantages of our service:

  1. personal account
  2. option to manage ranking
  3. a system for handling synonyms, adapted for the Russian language
  4. support for multiple warehouses
  5. multi-language searching
  6. easy integration via JS or API

You can explore other advantages on the Service Features page.

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Россия, Москва, Москва, набережная Рубцовская, д. Д. 4, корп./ст. К. 3
Телефон: +7 (499) 653-84-54